Comments from people who have been on the course:
"No matter what your age is, what your gender is or what your struggles are, this course can most definitely help!
Every session is full of helpful and informative resources that can be utilised and revisited indefinitely, followed by an informal conversation with other supportive individuals with whom you can relate to.
It’s undoubtedly challenging to change your thinking/mindset and responses- especially if you’ve struggled for a long time - however, this course is exactly what you need to understand your mind and body, your feelings, your responses and how to overcome your triggers.
Knowing I’ll have the resources provided for life is so comforting and reassuring, and Eilir always delivers the course in such an engaging way that makes you look forward to learning more in the next session.
Fedrai’m deud ‘diolch’ digon, Eilir!
This course, along with Eilir’s support and guidance, has truly helped me change my life for the better, and I’m determined more than ever now to overcome my struggles".
Anonymous (26 year old, female)
"I personally found the course very helpful, as it allowed me to learn different, new ways to manage my anxiety and to understand my own and others' feelings better. Eilir teaches the course in a friendly manner and is always happy to answer any questions. The course materials are accessible anytime after the duration of the course which is a great help if in need of a refresher. I would 100% recommend this course to anyone. Since the start, I have seen a change in myself for the better, and it has been the first step for me in achieving a better and happier lifestyle. Diolch Eilir."
By L Hughes.
"Faswn i ddim lle dwi heddiw heb y cwrs yma yn chwara rhan mawr yn y gwelliant".
Translated - I wouldn't be where I am today without this course playing a big part in my improvement.
By G Roberts.
"It has given me a massive insight into what's going on inside, what my triggers are..... and it's given me a plan of action into how to deal with my to deal with my day to day stresses..... and more confidence having done it."
By S F Thomas.
"The course was a godsend, and I learned many skills which I still use every day. When feeling anxious, I refer to what I was taught on the course and has been a very useful and reassuring tool. As a result I am in a much better place and have learned a lot about myself and how I used to respond to situations. I would encourage others to go on the course as it helps you to put things into perspective. I would like a follow up course so that I could continue my personal and emotional progress. All of my friends have stated that they have seen that I have become much happier."
By C W Williams.