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Client Testimonials

Real people, with real issues, and real results.

After a traumatic 18 months of marriage break up, divorce, losing  my mother, keeping my family afloat and trying to keep a full time stressful job, my tank was empty.  I was at rock bottom, exhausted and seriously questioning whether I would ever find that old bubbly person I used to be. 
I didn’t think counselling was for me. After all, I had plenty of good friends to off load, but It dawned on me, that they too needed a break from my ups and downs.  Apart from this, I didn’t think I had an hour a week to spare!  How wrong was I! 
“I don’t know where to start…..  “ were my first words and they reminisced at the beginning of each session after that.  But as the weeks went on, we were able to laugh about it and I felt that I could tell Eilir everything. 
Being a good listener is one thing, but he was able to give me a different perspective on things, provide me with a simple tool kit of strategies to try during the week, and they worked!  He was slowly putting me back together.  
For me, it wasn’t about finding out what was making me feel sad.  I knew that too well.  What I didn’t know was how to move on, regain my confidence, build my self esteem in order to face and deal with things again. 
I came from each session feeling empowered, strong and positive.  My life is back on track, I still have a few wobbles as I call them, but now, when they come, I can deal with them and they pass.  
I will be forever indebted for those counselling session with Eilir.  Diolch.


Hoffwn ddeud pa mor ddefnyddiol oedd y sessiynnau a gefais yn ystod cyfnod anodd.

Roedd yn help garw efo fy mhroblemau poen meddwl a iselder. Dysgodd i mi sut i ymdopi a’r penodau a sut i deimlo yn fwy positif.

Buaswn yn argymell i unrhyw un sydd dan straen a methu datgan ei hemosiynau i gysylltu efo’r gwasanaeth.

Mae wedi fy helpu tu hwnt a rwyf yn hynod ddiolchgar o’r gwasanaeth proffesiynol a chyfeillgar derbynnais. Diolch i Eilir am bob dim.


Mr Griffiths (North Wales)





4 years ago was by far the worst time of my life, I lost my Dad to cancer, not just my Dad but my best friend and my hero.
I had been struggling big time and bottling it up inside for so long and it was affecting my life in other ways, so in the end I thought, enough is enough and I put my ‘male ego’ aside and decided a few months ago to have counselling. 
I was very nervous to go to be honest, but right from the start I felt very comfortable talking to Eilir, the sessions went fast and we also talked about other stuff that I had been bottling up and struggling with.

He gave me different teqniques to deal with those situations and feelings.
It was the best thing I've ever done and although I still massively miss my Dad every day, after talking to Eilir, I understand my feelings better and am able to deal with them, cope much better and think before I act. This has helped me to deal with my dads death, so everyone don't be afraid to ask for help.


Mr Jones (North Wales)

Mae sesiynau cwnsela wedi bod yn newid byd i mi. Roeddwn wedi osgoi’r peth am flynyddoedd ac edrych yn ôl dyna yw’r peth dwi’n difaru fwyaf.

Cefais lawer o syniadau a chanllawiau amrywiol roedd yn agor llawer o ddrysau, ond byth yn gorfodi neu arwain mi trwy unrhyw ddrws.

Mae wedi bod yn anogaeth a chefnogaeth ardderchog. Byswn yn argymell sesiynau cwnsela i unrhyw berson, dioddef o iechyd meddwl neu ddim. Rwyf yn sicr mae budd iddo i bawb.








I was offered counselling when I was suspended from work. I had been the victim of a very sly bully who had accused me of bullying her. 

I was very sceptical about counselling because I had friends and family I could talk to.  However, I am very glad that I did take this service.  

Eilir has given me strategies to cope to return to work.  I was scared of what this woman would do to me next.  Eilir was able to reassure me that it was still ok to be nice to people that I work with, but to be on my guard when dealing with this woman, be polite but nothing else.  I have always wanted to please people and would always take on anything that was asked of me.  When I return to work, I will not be such a soft touch and will be sticking up for myself.  

Eilir gave me some information on mindfulness and I have been doing this daily, this has been very calming and reduced my anxiety levels.  

Eilir's help in this situation has been fantastic and I would recommend his services to anyone going through a hard time.


Mrs Jones (North Wales)

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